01 March 2025

 1 March 2025 @ The Blue Gum Hotel

We had quite a bit of show and tell today for the 6 ladies at our get together.

Show and Tell

These are some very colourful laundry bags completed by Rita for the 'Aussie Hero' project.

These are 4 completed quilts for charity completed by Rita.

This quilt with 'wolf' fabric in some of the tumbler shapes was made by Rita and claimed by one of her sisters as the name Wolf is significant to the family.

This top by Rita will be quilted and then raffled for charity when it is completed. Sorry Rita don't remember which charity!

Marilyn was finishing a crochet edge on this beautiful knitted shawl.  

Glynis's completed quilt with hand applique and waste triangles kindly donated to her by a friend.

Next Get Together

Saturday 5 April 2025 at the Blue Gum Hotel, Waitara.

04 January 2025

Blue Gum

It was great today to see so many smiling faces at the Blue Gum as 9 of us sat chatting and stitching and had a lovely time.

The Hand Work

Marilyn was joining her hexagons into dark and light rounds.

Heather working on her applique

Irene knitting a scarf for charity

Jean hand sewing on last of a binding.

Rita working on a very early hexagon project from 25 years ago and hoping very much to complete.

Lynne working on a pretty stitchery.

Liz working on her Christmas ornament stitcheries.

Cath working on her current project.

Show and Tell

Jean's lovely small quilt for any new small addition to the family. Pattern Zoe from Kitchen Table Quilting 

02 April 2023

Saturday 1 April 2023 - Blue Gum Hotel

 It was a perfect day to sit and sew/crochet. The sky was grey and there were heavy downpours of rain. Much chatting and admiring of Emma's yarn which unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of.

Cath had four quilts to share with us and she was very busy binding.

This is the first of Cath's quilts; it's a Sarah Fielke design all in Tula Pink Fabrics.

Number 2 - This was a delightful quilt which we all admired. It's called Balderdash by Emma Jean Jansen.

Number 3 - Can't remember what this one was called but it was great. Was a kit bought in Launceston some time ago and put together a bit differently than the original pattern suggested.

Number 4 - This one looked great too. It had ships in the strips.

Last was an eye-spy quilt from Rita for a young relative (I think) in Melbourne.

Here are a couple of close ups of the fabrics:

Perhaps we'll see you next time.

06 November 2022

5 November 2022 - Blue Gum Hotel


It was a very pleasant day with 6 of us chatting away merrily.

Show and Tell

Rita made this cute quilt for a niece.

Stephanie is working on her pretty pink wrap.

Close up of her stitching and hexagon embellishment.

A collection of really great bags Cath has made.

Scrap top by Glynis - still deciding if it needs more borders or not.

Detail of the panel.

Does that fabric look familiar; do you have some of these scraps too!

Denim quilt by Glynis. I learned some lessons with this one.

The different squares gives you a chance to try out some different quilting motifs.

See you next time!

01 October 2022

Many Thanks to Mimmie Em today for taking all these beautiful photos for us to enjoy on our blog.

Emma with her handwork.
Lisa and Lissa enjoying some chips!
Heather, Cath and Rita.
One very delicious looking Hamburger enjoyed by???  Emma?
Handwork by Emma...
... and Emma.
Rita's Hexagons.
Cath's Hexagons.
Love this seriously beautiful little wooden bowl belonging to Lisa.
... and Heather.


and Cath.