Lets start with a small group of friends who each year do a 'Quilt Challenge'. Our 2019 Challenge was chosen by Lyn who challenged us to make something using 'Solids'!
Ku-ring-gai Quilters -
Lyn - Challenge #1- This wall hanging has solid felts in the centre and her quilt below is all Solid fabrics.
And the back of Lyn's Quilt.
Lynne's Challenge has lots of cute little animals on the solids.
Pennie's Challenge - #1- I cut out 100's of squares using these solid fabrics of mine, (oh yes I did have many many solid fabrics in my stash, still do) with the plan of making lots of quilts for Charity, I got one finished then...........
.... Then... I realized that for years (starting back in 2005 in fact) I had been sewing these 'Solid' left over half inch hexagons, mostly when I had no other handwork to take to the Pubs, so if you saw my Hexi kit come out you knew I was bored 😐
I had started making stars with them not knowing what I would do but - but - but a month or so before we were to reveal our 2019 Challenge and while enjoying a quiet evening sewing with these friends of mine it HIT me! Solids! 😀😀😀
We always make sure we keep our Challenge secret and quiet from each other during the year but here I was - sewing in full view of everyone! So very quickly I put those solid stars together in time for our Reveal!
Penny made herself a Table Runner.
Here are lots of beautiful works of art from our SCQuilter Friends.
Yan - Has been busy that's for sure. Yan takes us on a Virtual Bus Trip with Gratitude for a Stash beyond measure.
- Sorry for New York.
- Using my Playful Hand Dyes.
- Made eight, I found a box of blue and whites.
Stephanie M - Here’s a top I’ve finished but not yet quilted.
Selina - The restless hands of Selina!
Sarah - I’m crocheting - during Skype / Zoom meetings if I’m on audio only and don’t need to take notes! It will eventually be a cushion
Rita - made more Laundry Bags and Masks.
Pennie - Finished the first sleeve of the 'Most Difficult' Jumper I have ever Knitted.
I wrote this book for all our Grandchildren to remember the visit from our Macao family. They saw Covid19, drought, fires, rain, flooding, blackouts and sunshine while doing their 6 hours of online school work each week day. There were many happy times, with family and especially cousins. I've put 179 photos in this book, three books are now on their way to Macao!
I have almost, almost, almost finished these UFO's from I can't remember when but waaaayyyy back. 12 Place mats! My sewing machine broke down in this process so is at the repairers but I did manage to borrow another 😊 thanks Lyn.
As promised - here is another work of art by Grand Daughter Abigail.
Here is a school project she had to do by choosing an Artist. Abi chose Frida Kahl

Michelle - Sorry (don't be sorry Michelle, your crochet is beautiful) but I’ve only been crocheting. Have just put these blocks together and now doing the border so it’s kind of like a quilt.

Maureen, has missed a few Pub days but is catching up here, some of her photos are from projects made last year. Thank you Maureen.
1.5m sq play mat for tiny cousins.
Then you’re left with lots of triangles.....
I had enough red and white stash to make a Queen bed and lap quilt!
WIP Improv picnic quilt for my daughter from scraps!
Reinvention of bicentennial event, now lots of dragonflies replacing some of the older fabrics.
Yellows squares from stash!
Cars quilt for my daughter’s 3 yr old godson’s birthday.
Maggie - Thinks these 1” solid 9-patches came from a SCQuilters swap from a while ago.
Liz in S.A. - Has just had her Quilt quilted and is now on her bed!
Lissa - Finished my crochet project. The two green stripes at the bottom are the border. It is supposed to have 7 rows of the same but it got boring real fast and thought two worked.
Loz - N.Z. - Look what Loz found while going through some of her belongings. I made these little brooches back in 2003 to give to everyone in a little group we once had called the Kambrachallenge. Hey who still has theirs?
Of course I had to go and see if I could find my little broach... Yes there it is in my sewing room 😮 is that a cobweb on it? Maybe I could do some dusting during my 'Self Isolation' 😞
I made these back in 2003!
Jean - I picked up this pattern in a Californian patchwork shop some years ago and the making of it has been over time - first the piecing, then the quilting. Now, thanks to the skill and speed of my sister’s ability to add binding, it’s actually finished! All Kaffe Fassett fabrics that I’d had for ages.
Jill - One of the quilts I had entered into a quilt show this weekend. It isn't happening, of course.
Joy - Have just finished this top but it will have to wait till I can get to the quilt shop for backing and wadding.
Glynis - Doing some much needed mending (Hey! Maybe that can be our next post?)
But not just mending...
I'm teaching our friend patchwork. She is staying with us at the moment
and is an experienced seamstress. I let her choose her first block. She chose
foundation piecing! First quadrant completed and she can't stop; she loves it.
Fiona - Playing binding-chicken!! 😉
Cate - I’m not quilting at the moment, unless you count the laptop cover I made. (YES, Cate we do count it!)
But I have started a new crochet scarf - Virus 🦠 in straight rows rather than the traditional Virus Shawl shape. The pattern has been around for years but I decided I needed to mark the occasion appropriately
Becky - Two old finished quilts in action. My life is chaos at the moment.. Lovely to see everyone's work!
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