Would you like to win this beautiful SCQuilters Umbrella?
Large Navy coloured Umbrella with 4 SCQuilters Logo's in white.
Wooden handle with automatic button for ease of opening.
Never been used, still in it's cellophane wrapping and in pristine condition.
Produced for the Sydney SCQuilters Retreat in 2005.
You have to be a member of the online group of the Southern Cross Quilters.
Winner will pay for postage if they can't pick it up.
Competition closes at 8am Saturday 5th December.
Winners Name will be drawn from a hat by one of the staff at 'The Blue Gum' on Saturday 5th of December at the SCQuilters Christmas Party.
Entry is FREE! All you need to do is:-
Leave a comment on this Blog.
(a nice comment mind you)
Good Luck Everyone!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Would you believe the word verification on this comment is "achoo". Sneezing and umbrellas go together well!
LOL very funny!
Merry Christmas to all the Sydney SCQuilters, have a great time.
Thanks for a great Blog Pennie.
Hugs from one of the Carrum Downs Group
Blogger Marilyn said...
Hey Pennie,
How come you have not used this lovely umbrella ?
Maybe you are keeping it for 'best'
or you just don't go out into the rain.
Marilyn I moved your Comment up here so I could keep track of it.
I have used MY umbrella, this one is a spare :-)
Merry Christmas to all the Sydney SCQuilter Girls, Have a fun day.
Thanks Pennie for the wonderful Blog.
Hugs from one of the Carrum Downs Girls, Ramona xxx
Thank you for a great blog Penni. The umbrella looks wonderful! I hope I win :)
Hey girls, enjoy your Christmas Party!
I have real need of an umbrella at the moment - Tassie is underwater!!! I've never seen so much rain!
Hi Penny
you could market these umbrellas, I'm sure every SCQuilter would want one.
Hugs Jeannie
the dogs, cat and chook
Oh to have a quilty umbrella instead one with a golf logo that my husband is always trying to get rid of.
Since I can't be there on Saturday :-( the least I can do is offer a happy Christmas greeting to all my friends. I'll be with you in spirit!
Since I can't be there on Saturday :-( the least I can do is offer a happy Christmas greeting to all my friends. I'll be with you in spirit!
Just what everyone needs a great umbrella to keep the summer sun off.
Hi Gang,
I attended that Sydney Retreat and always kicked myself for not purchasing an umbrella. Great idea. Gee, your photos of gatherings look like fun in between our Retreats.
Regards to all, Judy
Oh how I wish I lived nearby and could come to the Bluegum to meet all the girls.
Love the umbbyshoot, we have had lovely soaking rains, it would come in handy.
I love this blog - I have a vicarious scquilters catch-up every month. Have a great day on Saturday, I'll be checking on Sunday to make sure the blog is updated and that you all behaved yourselves!
After having such a wonderful time last month I'm sad to say I can't make it this month. Look forward to seeing lots of pics as usual - always a treat! Oh, and please pop me in the draw! Happy Christmas, Di
I am getting very peeved that my infrequent trips to Sydney never coincide with your get together! I can see I will have to get much better organised next year. Merry Christmas to all of you.
cheers, Maxine in Adelaide who is not watering the garden this weekend - because it rained! At last!
Loz's octagons are fabulous - clever fussy cutting! (Check it out full size girls). And lovely Christmas Tree idea, too.
I desperately need an umbrella here in Central Vic - for some reason had another inch of rain in the last 24 hours. Had more rain this past week than the rest of the year.
Have a lovely GTG!
Hi all, yes, I am tempted by the chance to win an umbrella since the last "free" umbrella did not rise to the occasion the first time I used it and it ended up in the nearest bin and I ended up at the nearest hot air dryer. Those darn folding umbrellas should come with training wheels or at least instructions. Love your idea of meeting first Saturday of the month. I live in the Blue Mountains and Waitara is a bit of a hike for me but now I know you meet there regularly, I may be able to get to meet some of you face to face. Thank you Squilters. It is through this group that I have been able to purchase my dream machine only 3 weeks ago. I have adopted "Ruby" from Kathryn in the ACT ..."Ruby" is a Bernina 440 QE. Cheers, Lyn (Dennis)
Just what I need for dashing from the car into the Blue Gum, when it rains, the first Saturday of the month.
Believe me, we have had some downpours on those days.
Heather Watts
If I win the umbrella, would we get some rain so I could use it? Irene Long
Would love to win the umbrella Pennie. I'm still smiling at my last present for winning one of your competitions! Very nice mug and lovely fabrics.
Thank you Pennie
Enjoy the party on Saturday
Hmmmmm, maybe if I won the umbrella some rain could be sent with it.! I live on the Gold Coast6 and have never been to one of your meetings but I always read the blog. If I am ever in Sydney at the right time I would certainly come along.! Merry Christmas all , Pam Gilfoyle
mmm is this the comp that is going to get me to attend one of the meetings?
Love Wendy in Breakfast Point (and my word verifivation is ruttin.. no comment!)
Yes Wendy, your absence has been noted more than once!!
A comment - hmmmm. A winni9ng comment? Hmmmmm. What about PD is the best blogger ever???? Or that I am looking forward to catching up next weekend? Or that I would love ANOTHER SCQ umbrella? Will that do? Cheers Stephanie from the 'Rail
Have a fantastic time on Saturday.
well I left a comment but it is not here wonder where it went in cyber land.
I hope you all have a great time on Saturday.
Would love the umbrella thanks
Hi, I'm a member of the online group so therefore would love to have a chance to win the brolly. Thank you for giving me the chance to win. Hugs Naomi from Adelaide
how will I manage to carry home this umbrella and the fibre optic lamp if I win.... I'm sure it's my turn... or maybe the galleon if I'm lucky!
see you then
Hi Pennie, I hope to actually be there on Saturday for a change - if not, have a fantastic day and Merry Christmas to everyone I never get to see anymore!
Cate Grace
Oh Pennie.. still not sure if I can run away from home to finally get to a scquilty chrissy party.. could of definately used the 'storm stick' today I got soaked THRICE...
Love reading your blog & looking at your work.
Hope I'll get to join you one day when I'm visiting Sydney.
It is finally raining in Ballarat (best rainfall in 13 yrs) & the only umbrella I have in my boot is advertising Pap smears! No one will pinch it. I desperately need a quilting umbrella.
Merry Christmas & hope your "meal vibrators" are all working.
Glenda in Ballarat
I'll be happy to pay the postage when I win. I'm feeling lucky!
Oops I left a comment and then remembered I have a different name at Yahoo and therefore SCQ. I'm really me as well as Susie Park - Scquilter....
When people ask why, in every pic they see quilters are either smiling or laughing I say there is only one answer - it's because we're just such nice, happy and friendly people! Maybe the world needs a lot more of us..... that in turn might lead to more manufacturers and more fabric to choose from.... oooh how nice!!!
Happy Christmas to all...love looking at everyones quilts on this blog...
have a fun xmas party!
Hi Pennie,
Hoping to get there on Saturday, but not seeing much luck as the V8's appear to be coming first in my dhs life lol. So would love to win the umbrella.
Have a lovely Christmas.
Quilty Hugs
Wish I could be with you on Saturday for your Christmas party. My little car is off the road this weekend being fixed so transport is a challenge.
Have a great time together.
at present almost always at her sister's in Garran ACT
Well, you've got to be in it to win it, they say. Our computer has died and I've just come across this posting as I check my mail at our daughter's house. Lovely umbrella, Pennie. I don't remember seeing such a thing at the Sydney Retreat! Planning to be there on Saturday.
Warm regards,
Jean in Terrigal
What a fantastic prize, Umbrellas are a fashion necessity in Melbourne and this one would be a pick of the bunch.
Kerry in Coburg.
Yes please. Put me in the draw. I would love another one. It's one of the best umbrellas I have ever had. Took mine to NZ last year hoping someone would recognise it, sadly no one did. Maybe next time.
Del Soden
Yes please! Maybe a new umbrella would make it rain. I love being in scquilters and having quilting news on tap! (pun intended!)
great umbrella, just what we need for this weather hot or raining,happy christmas to all squilter
Merry Christmas to all you Sydney Scquilters! Thanks for all the wonderful chantelle you ahev shared with us this year.
Wish I could come on Saturday. I have just the thing to add to the present exchange!
Maybe next year :)
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