Lots of stunning knitted scarfs - Becky.
Becky and Stephanie.
How many scarves can one person wear at the same time - Emma knows!
A different scarf for Emma.
Maggie's quilt says it all about these last couple of years doesn't it.
I think this lovely quilt belongs to Penny S.
Wow! What a wonderful sewing bag was made by Stephanie, just lovely.
Rita's quilt top and below back with a wonderful label.
Another beauty made by Rita.
Rita again.
Now my head is befuddled... is this yours Rita or is it Cath's?? Please let me know - and the quilt below as well.
Wow quilt made by Cath and another Wow from Cath below - I think.
Two very useful sewing bags made by Cath.
Here is another Stunner made Glynis.
I know who made all these bellow... Penniedarling that's who!
I made this one for friends granddaughter who lives in Canada and loves Pink.
Here are a few of the two dozen or so masks I've made this year... just some of them... can you tell which one is mine? and which are David's.

I cannot believe I didn't take a photo of these Babushka Quilts when they were finished and before they were shipped off to two Great Nieces in Brisbane and I gave one to a friend. Silly Penniedarling.
The quilt above went to my Great Nieces Lila Rose and the one below went to her younger sister Chloe Hazel.
Yay! I just found this photo of the three quilts hanging on the line on my phone 🎉
I love this Vest that I've just finished knitting, it's been made from the wools that were in a large rather long cardigan that I knitted back in the 1980's, I unpicked that old cardie and made something I now prefer to wear on cold days, something without long sleeves. Below - the 5 books I've put together this year, yes I've been busy! But what will I sew? knit? now? I do have another book underway but I need handwork mmmmmm???