Beck knitted this Shawl.
Looks very cosy doesn't it.
Beck's (I'm never doing this again) Round Robin. This is the first time Beck has joined in an online Round Robin and she found it very stressful but Wow! What a result.
Beck's - (After this there will be NO more Pinks!) handwork. |
Our Buzzer Quilts - When I spoke to Peter at The Blue Gum, he suggested that we'd told a little white lie in the newspaper article, which white lie in particular I asked, the one about the quilts for the Lunch Buzzers he replied. Here are some of our Buzzer Quilts Peter, they help to soften the noise when they go off to tell us our meal is ready.
Kath is prolific as ever, she's digging deep into her UFO pile... a couple of these below, are for a Charity.
These are hexagons and made of silk, the quilt is intended for the Anniversary of friends of Cath's, which is coming up soon. |
This is Claire's 'T' Shirt Quilt, made from 'T' Shirts from school, overseas trips and just favourites. Doesn't that beaut border bring it together wonderfully, but how to quilt it! That is the question.
Gillian's Horsey Quilt for a friend in need of a bit of TLC, she is a horsey person so she'll just love it.
One of Gillian's UFO's from deep down in her stash is coming back to life.
One of Jackie's Quilts made in her sewing room at work, this one is for a very special little girl who is going to need a lot more operations to make her well, she loves Tinkerbell :-) | |
Another of Jackie's Charity Quilts.
I think Jackie has saved what could have been quite an ugly quilt with this Log Cabin setting, don't you! It is rather spectacular.
Jill's quilt made from someone else's left overs, don't those old fashioned toys look great.
Lilias's Dragon Quilt for an about to turn 2 year old Grandson, he will just love it. |
Lilias is knitting herself a jumper.
This quilt of Marilyn's is absolutely enormous, I love the circular quilting, really makes the quilt I think.
This is my Show and Tell. I knitted this jumper for my friend 44 years ago, he loved it so much he decided we should marry, so I knitted myself one as well. His is almost worn out but mine is in perfect condition (well maybe that's because mine shrunk in the cupboard and I haven't worn it as much). Anyway I had thrown out the pattern and then decided I needed to knit this jumper again so with a little clever searching I found the original pattern on Ebay... now to find the same wool... Villawool which is no longer available :-( |
Rita did show us her Hexagon WIP upside down but we had so much trouble trying to work out what the pattern was she turned it up the right way! Can you see what she is making a picture of? Hint, there is a lot more to go on the right of this picture.
Stephanie's Candied Hexagons all finished.
Lynne is making this beaut star quilt for her Grandson's 8th birthday, he requested no flowers and green, his Mum suggested some blue as well. I love the border on this quilt, simple but very effective. |