Marilyn was there, stitching labels on Stitchin' Mission Quilts.
Joy was there, working on her applique. Sue was there, working on her block. Lyn and Di were there sewing labels on more Stitchin' Mission Quilts. Shirley was there from Melbourne with sister Jean... more label stitching.
Erica was there, she knitted a few rows, unraveled it, knitted another few rows, unraveled it, knitted another yet more rows, unraveled it and decided knitting wasn't for her!
Diane was there drawing up pieces for her block.
Muniaba was there working on a very funky block.
Heather was finishing off this wonderfully fussy cut block she'd designed.
Glynis was there... just to chat though, no sewing was intended.
Gay was there... well I think she was there :-) Maybe she's just bowing to Heather who is sitting in front of her? Bec was there, stitching stitching away. Brenda was there, working on her hexagons... actually I think she was the only one working on Hexies today which is rare! Look how happy Maggie is to be at the Blue Gum today!! Jill looks just as happy... or is she about to cry? Maybe she's telling me I shouldn't take a photo :-)
Irene was there, enjoying... like most of us... the Crispy Prawns with Thai Salad... YUM!
Penny was there, cross stitching away. Liz was there, adding beads to her Lisa Walton quilt.
Kate wasn't there... no no no... she wasn't anywhere to be seen :-) Ros Hack was there (courtesy of the invisible Kate) to pick up her prize of a SCQuilters Umbrella, the prize from our Christmas Party Lucky comment draw!
Lisa was there... with her beautiful bag... And... Guess What? I was there as well!
I forgot to get someone to take my photo this month so I dug around for any old photo hanging around my home!
I may have changed just a tad, a little older even... but it is ME!! LOL
It's Show and Tell Time.
Another of the Stitchin' Mission Quilts with Di. Great progress going on with...... matching centres!!! by Brenda. Marilyn's Selvage Bag.
Lisa's beaded Quilt. Joy's quilt in progress. Erica's Selvage Quilt - We've seen this on the cover of DUQ haven't we! Erica's Star Quilt.
Pennie's Quilt for Stitchin' Mission - all I did was sew the label that Di gave me on today :-) too much talking going on... Quilt made for Jean's DD and DSIL.
Gay's quilt.
We each got a little pressie today... look at these wonderful fusible shapes of Lisa's... Thanks Lisa!