Jan from Sylvania - Show and Tell from her recent trip on the Queen Mary 2, sailing from LA to Sydney. That's Jan in the white blouse. We saw many photos of many special evenings with the men in black tie and Jan in lots of very flash formal clothes borrowed from daughters and friends... very amusing it was. Heather from Eglinton near Bathurst was on the same trip as well as my baby brother Nick and his wife Kaye... somehow Nick didn't find the SCQuilters... I wonder how he missed them LOL

This doesn't happen very often so I just had to take a photo... Jan and Lisa enjoyed one of these EACH! We all ooohhhhed and aaaaahhhed! It put smiles on our faces that's for sure.

Heather from Thornleigh - I Spy for a niece or nephew, fabulous blocks aren't they.

Heather's Circle Blocks, we've seen some of them before but the one on top is just finished. I'm looking forward to seeing this quilt when all the blocks are done.

Pennie from Turramurra - Bonnie K Hunters Star Struck Quilt top. These quilt designs of Bonnie's are very rewarding to make because you can use up all sorts of scraps, my pile of blacks has now gone and are all in this quilt. Time consuming and a tad boring to make but... No fabric was freshly bought for this quilt! :-)